
So far, our program doesn’t do anything after it starts. Nothing will change, unless we change our program and re-run it!

Animation means to give an appearance of movement. We do this by changing values over time.

We need a way to react to time passing. We do this by using forever to run code on every frame. An app draws a new frame on the screen roughly 60 times a second (or 60 FPS, frames per second).


Let’s make our sprite spin. We do this by increasing the angle of the sprite a little bit on every frame, so it slowly rotates clockwise.

player.forever(() => {
    player.angle += 3

Make sure you get the brackets exactly right!

👉 Save, and check your sprite starts spinning.

In JavaScript, number += 1 is shorthand for number = number + 1. You can read it as “change by”.

Everything we’ve written before this point will only run once, at the start of our game. Anything inside the forever block, between the curly braces, will run every frame (unless our player is destroyed).

The number 3 is how far we rotate on each frame, so it controls how fast the animation happens.

👉 Experiment with changing the number, to get the sprite to rotate faster and slower.

Spinning backwards

👉 How can you rotate anticlockwise?

Hint: it’s the opposite of rotating clockwise…


Time to get our sprite to move. Like before, we do this by changing its attributes a little bit every frame.

Let’s move it left. Add this inside the forever:

    player.posX -= 2

👉 Check the sprite starts moving left.

Ending “forever”

Despite the name, a forever loop doesn’t have to run forever! Sometimes it’s useful to only repeat a bit of code until something happens.

If we write return false, then this will stop the forever loop. We normally do this inside an if condition (otherwise the forever block would only run once!).

For example, we can move our sprite to the left until it hits the left edge of the screen.

player.forever(() => {
    player.posX -= 2
    if (player.left < 0) {
      return false

👉 Check the sprite moves to the left edge and then stops.

Growing and shrinking

We can animate any attribute of a sprite: scale, opacity, and so on.

For example, we could make our sprite grow by gradually increasing the scale by 5%. We would do that by multiplying it by the fraction 1.05 (again this would have to be inside the forever):

    player.scale *= 1.05

➡ Next, let’s see how to react to taps